Our cable services were terminated about a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, cable companies require a certain amount of money given in exchange for the cable programs and other services they provide their subscribers. Man, I hate those fine prints!
But you know what, I am holding out quite well considering that I am a self-confessed television addict. Yes, I am a TV addict. I sometimes amaze myself when I can out perform contestant on "Beat The Geeks" when they dare challenge TV Geek on a face off. I mean it requires a certain degree of geekiness to be able to answer questions like who is B.A. Baracus, what was Johnny B’s special power in the Misfits of Science, or name at least one actor or character in the children’s show "The Electric Company".
Back in my early childhood days, pre-cable days when there were only 5 channels available, the loneliest time of the day would be around 6 to 7pm when every single station would be airing the news that I simply did not care for. The loneliest days of the year would definitely be Holy Week where it’s almost like a Twilight Zone scene turning on the TV and absolutely nothing is on except static. I figured the reason why people hit the beaches during the Lenten Season was prmarily because nothing good was on TV. So you could imagine how if this unfortunate lack of TV happened during that time I would have instantly foamed in the mouth and fell into a seizure.
But like I said, I am holding out very well. And after a little rationalization I’ve actually figured out why I’ve resolved the no-TV reality easier than I probably would have imagined:
Frances has stopped saying stupid words like “Wowowee” (a stupid noontime show hosted by the raunchy course mannered and witless Willy Revillame. I honestly don’t know why this guy can be given his own TV show and why anyone in their right mind would want to watch a show hosted by him). Like I’d mentioned before, TV can no longer baby sit a child. Local TV shows are just getting stupider and stupider. A good example would be Pinoy Big Brother. I am glad the show is through, but of course, we haven’t seen the last of it! With the cash flow that show generated last season, consider it to be that turd that just refuses to flush!
During hours when I should be watching TV, I am actually playing my new guitar, plugged in my new tube amp (by the way, I named my guitar Elise, short for Elizabeth. Cathy once said that if she could change her name, she would change it to Elizabeth). One other thing that I have been really busy with this month was rehearsing in studios with a group of office friends. We performed for our Christmas party at the PICC last Saturday, which was by far my biggest gig. So guitar playing has definitely been eating up TV hours even before the cable service got cut off.
Because the TV is out, Cathy and I get to spend more quality time with Frances. Of course I would admit that I still have spent a considerable amount of time on the new guitar recently, but during the weekends it’s nice to just hang out at home and play with Frances as a family.
And lastly, if TV withdrawal symptoms do attack, there is always TV’s first cousin the DVD player to help soothe me down.
This isn’t the first time I had to endure life without television. After Cathy and I got married and we moved in our new place together, we didn’t immediately have cable or local TV (we didn’t even have our own furniture or refrigerator). For an entire week we kept our selves busy fixing up our new home. At the end of the day we would just lie down on the bed and just goof around and talk, just like we used to.
Of course totally doing away with TV is still unthinkable. I know how I will eventually succumb to that whole payment for service system cable companies insist on. But while that is still in the planning and scouting stage, I aim to enjoy the newly re-opened door of opportunities that the absence of TV has freed up.
“Hi, my name is Haring Ulan and I have been television sober for almost a month now...”