February 17, 2006

Three Little Pigs FAQ for Two Year Olds

Yesterday I wasn't able to go to work because I had this industrial strength headache when I got up in the morning. I spent more hours in the office the day before than I should and didn't get enough sleep when I got home. So I decided to just let my body decompress and spend the day resting.

I felt a little better in the afternoon and figured that I make up and spend the remainder of my day with some quality time with my daughter Frances. She was well behaved all day, just playing in the room watching her videos while I was resting.

It was a nice afternoon and we decided to just go outside by the backyard and play. She was playing under the shades when she sat beside me and asked if I could read her a story.

Because I was too lazy to get one of her books inside the house, I thought I'd just wing it and tell her the story of the "Three Little Pigs", which at that time was the only familiar children's story I could think of. Here's how my impromptu story telling went:

Me: Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who decided to build their own houses... so they went to the forest to---
Frances: They don't have a mommy and a daddy?
Me: Ah, of course they do. But in this story, the mommy and the daddy pig are not around. The three little pigs went to the forest to get some materials to build their---
Frances: Did they go to the office?
Me: Huh? Who?
Frances: The mommy and daddy of the pigs. Did they go to the office to work?
Me: No, they didn't go to the office because pigs don't---, you know what, yes they did. Actually they did go to the office. Ok, do you want to hear what happened next to the little pigs?
Frances: Ok.
Me: So, like I was saying, the three little pigs went to the forest to get the things they need to build their new house. The first pig decided to build his house using straw.
Frances: Like in the soft drinks?
Me: Huh? Ah, no. No, not like in the soft drinks. This is a different kind of straw. Straw is like, dried grass. You see our little kubo there, see the roof? That's kind of like straw. But ok, let's just call it grass.
Frances: Ok.
Me: So the first pig was building his house out of straw---I mean, grass. And the second pig---
Frances: How about a yaya (nanny). Do they have a yaya when their mommy and daddy are in the office?
Me: Frances, they don't have a yaya. How can I tell you the story if you keep asking me questions? Ok, so they don't have a yaya, that's why they have to build their house on their own.
Frances: Why are they building a house? They don't have their own house?
Me: No, they don't have their own house... they are building a new house because of the wolf.
Frances: What's a wolf daddy?
Me: It's like a big dog. Ah, like a monster.
Frances: Like Hell Boy!?!
Me: Ah, no, not like Hell Boy. Forget I said anything about a monster. Anyway, so they were building the house because they wanted to hide from the wolf. The second pig was building a house made of wood. Do you know what wood is?
Frances: Like in the tree?
Me: Yes, very good! Like in the tree. The second pig built his house using wood. The third pig was also building his house and it was made of---
Frances: Why does the wolf want the pigs?
Me: So he can eat the pigs.
Frances: He's hungry? He has no food daddy?
Me: Yes, he doesn't have any food. That's why the pigs are scared of him because he will eat them. That's why they are building houses so that they can hide. Ok, now where was I?
Frances: Here, outside the house.
Me: No, I mean in the story. What part was I telling...
Frances: About the pig!
Me: Yeah, the last pig went to build his house using bricks. It's like stone and rocks. And it was a very strong house! Then one day, the wolf came and was looking for the pigs. The three little pigs all went inside their houses.
Frances: Together?
Me: No, not together baby. They went to each of their houses.
Frances: I'm not a baby anymore! I'm a big girl now!
Me: Of course you are. You want me to continue with the story?
Frances: Yes daddy. Ok.
Me: The first pig went inside his house made of straw, and the wolf---
Frances: Grass!
Me: Right, grass. Sorry. Anyway, the wolf asked him to come out but the little pig didn't want to. So he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down!
Frances: How?
Me: Umm, like this. (Blowing in Frances' hair while imitating the wolf)
Frances: Hi hi hi!!!
Me: Why are you laughing? That's not funny, the poor pig has no more house. The wolf is going to eat him.
Frances: You ticked my face!
Me: Oh, ok. Anyway, so then the second pig---
Frances: Daddy I don't like this story anymore. I want to go watch "The Incredibles" inside the house in the room.
Me: Frances, that's a great idea! Come on, I'll carry you...
Frances: Where's my milk?
Me: I'll make you your milk when we get inside.
Frances: Where is mommy? Is she coming home now? She's in the office? You call mommy on the phone.
Me: I already texted your mommy, she will be home later.
Frances: No you didn't.
Me: Francesca, I did. Do you want to watch your movie or not? Come on, let's go inside the house.
Frances: Ok... and then we will go get mommy???


Single Mom - Drama Queen said...

You got this kind of interrogation, this barrage of questions for telling a nursery story??? You and Cathy better get ready for the "why's", the "god" questions and lord help us, the "birds and the bees"!!!!

Ain't parenthood just a walk in the park? =D

haring ulan said...

yeah, i'll cross the bridge when i get there, let's enjoy the now in the meantime.

its more of a walk in the jungle sometimes, hehehe. but im enjoying the tour.

Anonymous said...

oh my God... my kid's turning one this august. i'm looking forward to those kinds of questions that will be thrown on me... take care dude!

haring ulan said...

here's a spoiler dude. they dont call it the "terrible two" for nothing, hehehe.